A 5-month immersion to awakening the powers within your womb and gaining the tools to help other women awaken theirs

“Womb Keepers” are the women who feel a calling deep in their bones to activate the sacred magic and powers of their soul and help other women do the same.
“Womb Keepers” have an innate connection to the sacredness the feminine energy holds and wish to know all the forceful capacities they have inside of them.
Womb work is not for the faint of heart… the womb is the energetic portal that pulls and stores all energy, all trauma, all pain, and all heaviness when we don’t have a healthy relationship with her and do the work required to keep her healthy, cleansed and vibrating love.
Womb workers must feel a deep connection to the feminine mystery and must be able to face the beauty of life and death all at once.
Womb workers will help women dive into the deepest pains their bodies hold and help them release. They will face all cycles of birth-death-rebirth and must manage all cycles in grace and surrender,
Womb workers are a special kind of lightworkers of the new earth that are helping women reclaim their wild nature and truth leaving behind the old paradigm of what women “are”.
I give thanks to ALL the womb workers, the midwives, the doulas, the soul midwives (like myself), and holistic womb healing teachers for all the work that you do.
The Womb Keeper Mentorship is a 5-month immersion into learning the codes, powers, and magic of your womb and lineage.
It is mentorship to restore your connection with your divinity and gain spiritual and practical tools to awaken your powers and guide other women to do the same.
Every womb is different, all wombs have sacred and UNIQUE codes, and this mentorship will help you tap into what the unique codes and teachings of your womb and soul are, along with other practical tools to heal yourself from the inside out and help others.
This is for all the women who:
Want to learn more about the power of the womb
Are passionate about helping other women heal
Feel a calling to connect deeper with the feminine wisdom
Want to learn holistic science and medicine about women’s bodies, our wombs, and hormones
Want to heal from trauma in the womb such as miscarriages, infertility, sexual assault, abusive relationships, childhood trauma, breakups, and disconnection from their bodies
Want to find ways to help their wombs heal from PCOS, painful periods, fibromas, cancer, hormonal imbalance, endometriosis, etc. in a more holistic way
For all the women who want to reclaim their birth-right of bodily autonomy and ancient feminine wisdom

What you will learn:
What trauma stores in the womb
How to heal the womb from trauma
What is ancestral karma and how does it affect us
How to liberate ourselves from the wounds of our lineage
How to do Womb healings on yourself or other women
The science and importance of our menstrual cycle with Laura Mar
Introduction workshop to FAM (Fertility Awareness Method) (guest expert)
The spiritual wisdom of the four phases of our menstrual cycle
Four major archetypes of women and our inner seasons
How to live a life aligned to the wisdom of our bodies and cycles
Yoga for womb health, Yoga for fertility, and Yoga for the menstrual cycle
Nutrition for womb and hormonal health with Laura Mar
Introduction to herbs, teas, and tinctures for the womb with Victoria Torres
How to awaken the Shakti energy from the spine to head
Sacred sexuality and Tantra teachings with Carmen Sanchez
Deep studies in the goddesses Durga, Kali, Parvati, Akilandeshvari, and Saraswati
Yoni steaming
Womb blessing rite of passage
How to integrate all these teachings into helping other women heal their wombs
What’s included:
Weekly Live Meetings Via zoom
Mentorship Manual
1:1 attention and coaching with Beatriz
Workshops with guest experts
Self-study questions and healing rituals
Yoni Steam herbal blend
Mentorship graduation: 3 days and 2-night retreat in Casa Grande, Utuado including private accommodations and meals for all 3 days
Certification of completion at graduation retreat
The Graduation
The graduation retreat will be a 2 night and 3-day finalization and closure of the training where we will heal in person, but also learn hands-on techniques that will give you tools to help other women heal themselves and their wombs as well.
We will have daily workshops, ceremonies, circles, and guest teachers nurturing us with tools and education to be the keepers of our own wombs and mother earth’s other daughters.
What is included:
Private suite accommodations
All 3 daily vegan meals, organic juices, coffee, and snacks
Sobada Maya workshop with guest teacher
Yoni Steam ceremony / Women’s circle
Certificate of completion
Energetic cleanses and hands-on healing
All ceremonies, workshops, and graduation content
Womb education from both a physiological and spiritual perspective is every woman’s birthright to reclaim what has been kept hidden and tabooed all of our lives.
We are the keepers of the wombs, the keepers of the earth, the children who are, and the children to come. Women and womb keepers are the weavers of the new paradigm.
Guest Teachers
El cuerpo como arco y la voz como flecha, su propósito se centra en levantar la memoria ancestral del cuidado que nos ha legado la gran madre de la Tierra, a nosotras sus dignas herederas. Retomando así las herramientas más poderosas que hemos recibido: la posibilidad de poder curarnos con los elementos de la naturaleza, sabiéndonos familia de toda la creación.
Ana Cristina Rodz. Surís es madre de tres, yerbera, doula y aprendiz de Parteria Tradicional; Buscadora de Visión, Danzante de Luna, portadora del Tambor de Agua y del Altar de Temazcal. Historiadora de arte precolombino (UPRRP), profesora de Ashtanga Yoga (AYPR). Entrenada en diversas formas de conciencia somática que van desde técnicas de la voz, cuerpo propio y tacto. Como herramientas de descolonización y recuperación de los saberes nativos del territorio, custodia una botica que elabora remedios en pequeñas tandas y promueve la alimentación a base de plantas.
Dentro de su práctica como guardiana de las sabidurías del vientre, abarca las distintas etapas del espiral de vida de la mujer, comenzando en la primera menstruación, recorriendo la salud integral y cíclica mediante alimentación, herbolaria y la conexión con los ritmos internos y de Madre Tierra. Su campo de trabajo actualmente se enfoca en la gestación , parto y puerperio. Elabora medicina para las madres a base de sus Placentas, acompaña en los procesos de lactancia y cuidados del hito de recién nacidos madre-bebé.
El despertar de la conciencia de nuestro vientre es una semilla, tan pequeña como las gotas de rocío que a través del río llegan a formar la inmensidad del mar.
Carmen S. Gaia es Directora Empoderamiento Tántrico
Consteladora Transpersonal
Directora del Tambor / Danza de la Luna
Sacerdotisa y celebrante de ceremonias
Manejo de trauma, sexualidad sagrada y Tantra
Victoria Torres is a birth keeper and herbalist tending to feminine and womb health through plants, ceremony, and birth work.
mi nombre es Adriana (adri) García Santos.
Acompaño a mujeres en sus distintas fases de vida. Soy doula (full spectrum) instructora de yoga 200hr, artista y autodidacta del método sintotérmico. Utilizó herramientas de la medicina tradicional + la gyn-ecología para autogestionar la fertilidad y rehabitar nuestro ciclo lunar. Además, brindo cuidados para el ciclo hormonal, la menstruación y el sagrado posparto. Actualmente me enfoco en la salud cíclica integral y en divino tiempo del puerperio.
Para la salud cíclica integral abarco desde el reconocimiento de nuestra propia naturaleza, el cuidado de la fertilidad, métodos de anticoncepción natural, salud sexual reproductiva y nutrición para nuestra salud uterina. Estos conocimientos nos ayudan a recuperar los procesos naturales de nuestro propio territorio y su intrínseca relación con la madre tierra.
Acompañamos también el sagrado tiempo del posparto que abarca desde reconocer las redes de apoyo, el cuidado nutricional y la realización de la ceremonia de cerrada de caderas. Atendiendo las necesidades básicas de este nuevo periodo de maternidad.
Cuidar del útero y los sagrados tiempos, es cuidar de nuestra sagrada vida.
Me puedes buscar en mi pagina @taller.kisma (honrando el corazón uterino)
Agradecida de acompañarles
Con amor, adri
Laura Mar es una guía de sanación somática, soberanía sexual y ciclicidad femenina. Está capacitada como especialista en educación de salud menstrual, hormonal, sexual y es profesora de Método Sintotérmico.
Con su manera entusiasta y amorosa, fundamenta la ciencia práctica y las antiguas tradiciones femeninas, enraizada en su creencia de que cada una de nosotras tenemos acceso a una fuente de sabiduría indígena interna, conectada con la experiencia cíclica de la vida. Le apasiona empoderar a las mujeres a través de educación y artes curativas que le han servido y ayudado en su camino de transformación como mujer.
(save $500)